Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Step by Step to Practice Martial Art and Inner Power inside US!!!

Now, we came to the topic which is what,when and which question of martial art and inner power:
What is the step by step and guidance that should be follow to boost up our inner power(martial art and inner power)?

When we should practice the concept of martial art and inner power, meaning what's the best time to practice?

Which practices will effect which part of inside our spirit or body in the concept of martial art and inner power?

For the first question of martial art and inner power:
Steps by steps are:
1)Close both of your eyes.
2)Forget anything and concentrate your mind to not to think of anything.
3)Take breath from mouth until the maximum.
4)Closed your mouth.
5)Hold your breath.
6)Count to 11 and release your breath slowly from your nose.
You should do this until you getting sweat and feel tired. After that you can take a rest and that's enough for that day. Do the exercise everyday, in the same time and try to not miss it.

For the second question of martial art and inner power:
You should do the exercise alone at midnight. Where everyone has asleep. :-) TRY TO FEEL YOUR INNER POWER GOIN OUT FROM YOUR BODY!!!

For the third question of martial art and inner power:
This take a little bit of practices. You need to imagane and concentrate your energy and flow the energy at every part of your body. Until you feel the power, imagane this while you do the steps by steps instruction.

For the next post, i'll show you the picture of energy which flow inside our heart and that will give a positif charger to our spirit. See yaa soon...

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